Products overview students Discover how our tests, tools, and online entrepreneurship course can help you as a teacher in teaching entrepreneurship, and enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of students. How entrepreneurial are your students? The E-Scan provides detailed insight into the entrepreneurial skills of students. How effective are students as an entrepreneurial team? The E-Scan Team Analysis reveals how well the members go together, what the blind spots are and how strong the team is. Create an online entrepreneurship course that guides your students step by step in teaching entrepreneurship. Let your students invite up to three others to do an E-Scan about them. It increases their ability to reflect. This eBook tells your students what characteristics, qualities, and thinking styles you need as an entrepreneur and how to best develop them. E-Platform is an online entrepreneurship course for your students to further develop their entrepreneurial experience, with a coach or mentor. The E-Scan provides instant insight into the entrepreneurial profile. More than 1,000,000 people have seen theirs.