General terms


We process your data for the purpose of developing your entrepreneurship. This relates to – whether or not after purchase – doing one or more scans, access to our E-Platform and tools, following one or more E-Learnings or E-Courses and the possible coaching of business coaches who are connected to our E-Platform.

We send notifications for a proper functioning of this app. This is legally permitted. For example a message with your username and the website address where you can log in. Unlike sending notifications, we do not send newsletters or commercial mails for which you have not given your approval. If we intend to send a newsletter or commercial mail, we first ask for your approval.

We also conduct scientific research for the development of entrepreneurship, but we always do this with anonymized data. We therefore disconnect your personal data from the data of one or more scans so that they can no longer be traced back to you. We will not process your personal data for any other purpose.


We strive to take sufficient technical and organizational measures when processing your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. However, we do not guarantee that the security is effective under all circumstances. We make every effort to ensure that security meets a level that, in view of the state of the technique, the sensitivity of the personal data and the costs associated with the security – is not unreasonable. However, we can never insure or guarantee the security of your personal data and information that we receive from you through our sites and app, with the existence of hackers and the like.

Retention period

Your data will be stored for up to 36 months. In practice, many users seem to want to keep their data including their E-Scan results for later use or comparison. At the end of this retaining period you get up to 3 notifications from us with the question whether you want to keep your data any longer. If you do not respond or react negatively to this message, we will delete your personal data. You can always view, change or delete your personal data at any time. Anonymous data for scientific research is kept longer.

Third parties

For a good operation of our app some third parties process your data for us. These parties have been specially selected by us for this. Which third parties and which data they process for us in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is kept in a register with all processing operations. Although you can register and log in with Facebook and LinkedIn, they do not process data for us.