Customer reviews
Google Reviews
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a tool to measure customer satisfaction. The NPS can vary between -100 and +100.
The average NPS score of the software industry is 29.
The NPS score of Entrepreneur Scan is 52.
We are very grateful to our customers; entrepreneurs, and small business coaches, who use our software to develop entrepreneurship.
In-app reviews
We ask people to share their feedback within the E-Scan, learning tools, and e-courses. They are asked to rate our tests, tools, and training with 1 to 5 stars. Furthermore, they can voluntary write us about how they have experienced our products and services. To protect their privacy, we only share their first name.
All users who have completed an E-Scan have the possibility to voluntarily answer whether or not they would recommend the E-Scan to other entrepreneurs.
Out of 851 replies, 86% of the entrepreneurs would recommend the E-Scan to other entrepreneurs.