Start your free student Mini E-Scan

Benefits of coaching; what entrepreneurs say about their business coach

It is not whether you’re an entrepreneur or not. But, how entrepreneurial you are

Most people believe that entrepreneurs are born. However, research has proven that (almost) anyone can be more entrepreneurial. First of all, it is quite easy to develop skills like sales and market awareness. Secondly, our research proved that you can also develop characteristics like self-belief and social orientation. But, that is less easy than it is to develop skills. Finally, you can develop yourself in becoming a better entrepreneur. Especially by starting a business of your own.

You can increase your understanding of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur by getting insight into your entrepreneurial characteristics. It creates the opportunity to improve yourself. Because no one is born a perfect entrepreneur but is able to become a better entrepreneur.

Self-awareness empowers anyone to become better

You can become a better entrepreneur through self-awareness. E-Scan helps you to further develop your strengths and weaknesses. As a result, you gain awareness of what your strengths and weaknesses are as an entrepreneur. Finally, you get to understand thinking styles that each business owner needs and how you score.

With E-Scan you’ll discover the impact you will have on your business success. How you think like an entrepreneur. This affects the way you would react to situations and opportunities. And finally results in how you would perform.

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Entrepreneurship development

A quick online entrepreneurial assessment

E-Scan is an online entrepreneurial assessment test. Based on extensive and scientific research, the online tool uncovers the competencies you need as an entrepreneur: your Entrepreneurial Mindset. This entrepreneur test is suited for anyone with a business or who is starting one.

The E-Scan is only accessible through your teacher or coach. If you want to get a first impression, you can take the Mini E-Scan with only a few question and limited free result.

Start a free Mini E-Scan