Marketing for business coaches

Marketing; every small business owner has to believe in it or, better put, learn to believe in it. Yet it is quite a challenge for many self-employed business owners. Coaches for entrepreneurs are not excluded. Yet, this can all change with the right assessment tools for coaches.
The questions an entrepreneur can’t ask
You have to sell yourself, which is more difficult than selling a product. A product is tangible and sells much easier than the services you offer.
Even if you are a very good coach, it remains difficult to convince the other person how good you are. Instead of telling, you should be in a position to ask questions.
The right questions. Business coaches can ask questions that an entrepreneur simply cannot ask.
The tricky thing about coaching is that entrepreneurs cannot imagine what it will bring them. Actually, they have to undergo it first to be able to say afterward what it has brought them.
However, it is better to convey those experiences of others to the potential customer who is faced with a choice. Preferably told by the satisfied customer: entrepreneurs talk about the results achieved by their entrepreneur coach.
71% have trouble getting new clients
In a benchmark survey among business coaches by Bureau Somer Design, 71% say they have trouble getting more customers. Moreover, small business coaches lack a clear marketing strategy.
You can’t blame them for that. Nobody invests in a marketing strategy, from which no paying customer can be expected.
Therefore, you must have a tangible resource that you can give to a prospective client. This is not new, because every marketing coach recommends this to their service-providing coaching client.
Write an eBook or valuable whitepaper and offer it for free on your blog post or social media as part of your sales funnel. Not that that is not good advice, but rather you distinguish yourself as a business coach from any other coaching practice by doing something new and unique.
Therefore, it is better if you can distinguish yourself from your competitors with what you offer for free to your target audience. Read here why business coaching services are vital for business owners.
Of course, you can get a new client through these 5 marketing tips to get more clients. But if you want to stand out and get the opportunity to take on the directorial role that allows you to ask the right questions, you have to come up with something unique. In this case study, a coaching organization explains how they successfully get more customers.
E-Scan, freemium, the marketing tool for business coaches
The E-Scan, freemium & premium, is a good and unique tool to start directly with the most important asset of every company: the entrepreneur! After all, the small business owner’s personality influences the success of their company and vice versa.
Yet, very few business coaches and (financial) advisors focus on the person behind the business. Instead, they focus only on the business side of entrepreneurship. When you start with the business first, it is hard to go back to the mindset. That’s why you must start with E-Scan.
E-Scan freemium gives you an inbound marketing tool that gives you the coaching results you and your clients want.