The 4 roles in entrepreneurship: how to recognize the manager thinking style

Manager thinking

No company can do without some form of organization. Being capable of organizing and planning is also part of entrepreneurship: not only your work but also that of others. For example, reassuring deadlines are met and that everyone fulfills their tasks, not in the least your own duties as the owner-manager of the business. These are pre-eminently activities that the manager thinking style can indulge in.

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Entrepreneurial thinking style

A thinking style says something about the way you think and act. Consequently, it says something about your behavior. In other words, the glasses with which you view the world. Hence, it says something about how you do business.

There are four entrepreneurial thinking styles, and an entrepreneur needs all 4 of them in his company. Depending on the stage of the company, a particular thinking style is preferred. The adult phase of the company cries out for the manager thinking style. 

For example, when it comes to applying structure and setting up an internal organization to get the work organized – or better: on time, the managerial thinking style is best suited. The manager thinking style comes after that of the pioneer and salesperson. What remains is the thinking style of the specialist.

Where the pioneer comes into its own at the start of the company, you will find the salesperson enthusiastic about further expanding the company. The salesperson quickly becomes enthusiastic and knows how to communicate this to many others, with growth as a result. But due to growth, the entrepreneur loses the overview and structure is becoming increasingly important. Then you see the thinking style of Manager increasing in importance.

Recognize the manager thinking style

The manager thinking style is capable of taking care of things like no other. Through his search for certainty, he attaches great importance to rules and procedures. Focused on the short term, he keeps the overview in an otherwise chaotic situation. He holds the strings tight and strives for order. 

This entrepreneurial thinking style finds its way into the adult phase of the company, where to put things in order. But how many entrepreneurs have this conservative and organizing thinking style? How many entrepreneurs run the company on an informal basis, and are they struggling to establish a more formal and structured organization? Perhaps that is why the majority is and remains single? How do you see their thinking style in the company and their business operations?

Below you will find some typical features of the manager thinking style. Okay, a bit firmly put:

  • likes to keep control
  • strives for order
  • works structured and he prefers a schedule
  • prefers to stick to what has already proven itself
  • avoids risk and change
  • feels responsible
  • seeks security

You do business together

Why is it important to recognize your own thinking style and that of others? You are the way you are, is it not? In entrepreneurship, you quickly work together with others. If you don’t hire someone soon, you will have to deal with suppliers, fellow entrepreneurs who want to work with you, and, of course – preferably – with customers. Whoever it is, every person has a particular combination of thinking styles. If you handle this properly and smartly, it will ultimately give you more pleasure and turnover.

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