Risk-taking in business

risk taking in business

Risk-taking in business. This is how you deal with it. Risks surround entrepreneurship. But what not in life? If you want certainty, you definitely shouldn’t start doing business. However, if you “cannot” do anything else, knowing how you deal with risk-taking in business is useful. Table of contents Strong growth in the number of budding … >>>

Market orientation

Market orientation

Market orientation, how can you increase it? Gaps in the market exist. However, the better question is, is there a market in that gap? In other words, are there consumer needs that haven’t been met yet? If so, the next question is whether there are enough consumers in that gap to draw up a marketing plan and increase your market orientation.  Table of contents Gaps in the market … >>>

Innovative mindset

Innovative mindset

Innovative mindset; creativity in business, innovation, and how to improve it? What is new, what is innovative, and to whom is it new? Concepts such as creativity in business and innovation in an entrepreneurship context are often used in combination, but there are apparent differences. In this blog, we discuss the confusion and difference between creativity, innovation, and how … >>>

Is the entrepreneur an artist?


Is the entrepreneur an artist? The artistic process is very similar to the entrepreneurial path. Both artists and entrepreneurs create something from nothing, face rejection, and fine-tune their approach to succeed. They are both creative in their own way. Being creative differs from being artistic. In line with developing your entrepreneurship, we mean by creativity … >>>

Need for achievement

Need for achievement

Need for achievement. This is how you increase it. The need for achievement motto could be: “Whatever you want, you can achieve it.” If you ask this question to a room full of entrepreneurs, the group will split in half. One half jumps up spontaneously and agrees wholeheartedly. The other half grumbles arguing that if … >>>

Need for Power

Need for power

Need for power. This way you increase your influence. Is entrepreneurship pure self-gratification? “Yes,” says founder and entrepreneur of Cool Cat, Ronald Khan, with a big smile :). Is it something to be proud of that? Admittedly, an entrepreneur pursues some self-interest, although that can easily be combined with a general or social interest. The … >>>



This way, you can increase your perseverance. Perseverance is the most striking characteristic of entrepreneurs. It is also the most frequently mentioned. Ask any group of people on the street what they think is a characteristic of entrepreneurs. Perseverance, endurance, persistence, or grit are the first words that they mention. Scientific research also shows perseverance … >>>

How to build self-confidence?

How to build self confidence

How to build self-confidence? That’s how you do it as an entrepreneur “She believes in me. She sees a future in you and me.” Beautiful words from singer-songwriter Andre Hazes that really get under your skin. But did he believe in himself? He was a heavy drinker and had didn’t know how to build self-confidence.  … >>>

Networking tips? That’s how you do it

Networking tips

Networking tips? That’s how you do it as an entrepreneur A golden rule in networking is: give before you take! Because, how social is entrepreneurship actually? You are focused on yourself and your plans, isn’t it? Or do you do it in the end and only for satisfied customers? In short: how social should you … >>>