Benefits of coaching
In this 4 minute blog, I report the effects of business coaching and how that differs sharply from why entrepreneurs think they need a coach.
In this 4 minute blog, I report the effects of business coaching and how that differs sharply from why entrepreneurs think they need a coach.
In this 5 minute blog you read why an entrepreneurial mindset is required for the near future. Even in larger organizations – public and private. However, is that with an eminent role for entrepreneurship education or enterprise education?
In this 5 minute blog, you will learn which factors are essential for an entrepreneurial ecosystem that can help to promote entrepreneurship in a region or country and the 6 possibilities that can speed up the process.
In this 2 minute blog, you learn why business owners need a business coach and what you should tell your prospects.
In this 5 minute blog, you’ll learn how E-Scan boosts instant insight, self-awareness, empowerment and ultimately business performance for small and medium businesses.
In this 2 minute blog, you read how a large bank uses the E-Scan to engage customers and how it leads to benefits for their prospects.
In this blog, you learn about the importance of motivation for an entrepreneur and how to increase it as a business coach. Especially when clients’ drive is gone: no-tivation.
In this 5 minute blog – if you are thinking of starting a business of your own – you will learn how to deal with the uncertainties that inevitably come with running a business.
In this 3 minute blog, I’ll tell you how you can survive a red ocean and swim into a more profitable blue ocean. And how a business coach can HELP you.
In this 3 minute blog, you’ll learn the real reasons why clients claim your price is too high, and how you can counter that.