

This way, you can increase your perseverance. Perseverance is the most striking characteristic of entrepreneurs. It is also the most frequently mentioned. Ask any group of people on the street what they think is a characteristic of entrepreneurs. Perseverance, endurance, persistence, or grit are the first words that they mention. Scientific research also shows perseverance … >>>

How to build self-confidence?

How to build self confidence

How to build self-confidence? That’s how you do it as an entrepreneur “She believes in me. She sees a future in you and me.” Beautiful words from singer-songwriter Andre Hazes that really get under your skin. But did he believe in himself? He was a heavy drinker and had didn’t know how to build self-confidence.  … >>>

Networking tips? That’s how you do it

Networking tips

Networking tips? That’s how you do it as an entrepreneur A golden rule in networking is: give before you take! Because, how social is entrepreneurship actually? You are focused on yourself and your plans, isn’t it? Or do you do it in the end and only for satisfied customers? In short: how social should you … >>>

What is entrepreneurship?

What is entrepreneurship

What is entrepreneurship? Watch and smile. When you think of entrepreneurship, you quickly think of having and running your own company. In most cases, this is also the matter, but it does not have to be that way. You also come across entrepreneurship within an organization, also called internal entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship. You are ‘playing’ … >>>

7 simple better business strategies

Better business strategies

7 simple strategies to do better business Better business strategies are about your products or services. Not about how much you like them, but whether it meets your customer’s needs and whether your customers want to pay you for it. If that also yields more than you incur in costs, then you are well on … >>>

The specialist thinking style

Specialist thinking

The 4 roles in entrepreneurship: how to recognise the specialist thinking style The majority (80% source: Small Biz Genius) of all business owners are self-employed. That number is expected to increase in the future. Solopreneurs often do business using their expertise, earn money with their craftsmanship. They can excel at something specific, that large companies … >>>

The manager thinking style

manager thinking

The 4 roles in entrepreneurship: how to recognize the manager thinking style No company can do without some form of organization. Being capable of organizing and planning is also part of entrepreneurship: not only your work but also that of others. For example, reassuring deadlines are met and that everyone fulfills their tasks, not in … >>>

The salesperson thinking style

Salesperson thinking

The 4 roles in entrepreneurship: how to recognize the salesperson thinking style With the term salesperson, everyone automatically thinks of the profession of the seller. But that’s not the same as the salesperson thinking style. Moreover, there are plenty of salespeople who miss out on this typical salesperson thinking style. The opposite also applies. Not … >>>

The pioneer thinking style

Pioneer thinking

The 4 roles in entrepreneurship: how to recognize the pioneer thinking style Do you know people who continuously spout ideas? Who lives mostly in the future and is only concerned with tomorrow? Someone who comes up with solutions to problems that don’t even exist? Or comes up with new alternatives when carrying out an idea? … >>>