We help you with proven entrepreneurial tests & coaching tools that help entrepreneurs grow as a company and person.
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eBook The Golden Egg.
Bestseller, over 65,000 copies sold.
The skill for the 21st century: learning to be entrepreneurial.
Your clients may be entrepreneurs, but are they enterprising enough for the business they are in?
In a light-hearted and easy-to-read manner, Dr. Martijn Driessen explains in this eBook ‘The Golden Egg’ what the entrepreneurial mindset is and what you need for it. He discusses the competencies that are necessary for achieving success. Using the practical examples in the first part of the book and the somewhat more theoretical second part, Driessen vividly pictures the psychology of the entrepreneur.
watch the video
Entrepreneurial assessment and coaching tools
First of all, in coaching, coaches, consultants, advisors, and teachers can’t rely on their gut feeling alone. They need personality assessments and software to assess and develop entrepreneurs and their businesses. It holds true for potential entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a new business and business leaders who can turn an idea into entrepreneurial success.
So, the person behind the company. Therefore, we have developed a test: E-Scan. Not just a quiz, but a serious entrepreneurial mindset test to uncover their entrepreneurial behavior and potential.
This online assessment gives you – in about 15 minutes – a detailed and accurate entrepreneurial self-assessment profile. As a coach, it helps you to have that discussion about your client’s personality traits. Consequently, it makes them think about themselves and their enterprising spirit profile, which is otherwise superficially discussed.
Lack of self-awareness
Moreover, it improves the relationship with your client, because it is less your view than that of your customer. Furthermore, it will increase their self-awareness and ultimately help them to become a successful entrepreneur.
For example, did you know that only 72% of small firm owners lack an accurate view of their entrepreneurial skills? These owner-managers risk making the wrong decisions based on their wrong self-image. This lack of self-awareness will devastate their venturing journey and employees.
360 degrees feedback
For instance, one of the many product features of E-Scan is 360º Feedback.
Thanks to this add-on, the self-image of the client will improve. For example, better self-knowledge ultimately helps your client to build a successful company that survives future challenges.
Do you want to check your entrepreneurial mindset score? Do you score 100% or just a factor of it? Click here to get your free E-Scan now.
scans done
coaching tools
individuals trained
Proven impact and validity
The Ph.D. research and literature review on the initiative of Dr. Martijn Driessen at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands led to the Entrepreneur Competence Model. As a result, a scale, the E-Scan, and the additional online entrepreneurial assessment and development tools arose from this scientific research into the entrepreneurial mindset.
From this research and its widespread use in the field of developing entrepreneurs, we design, develop, and deliver entrepreneurial profiling tools. Consequently, our tests and tools score high on customer satisfaction by both the end-user and their coach, advisor, or teacher.
Moreover, research showed that entrepreneurs’ mindsets and firm performance have significantly improved. Survival rates went up to 89% after 5 years (OECD,2014). However, the average success rate after 5 years is around 50% in Europe and the United States of America.
E-Scan is based on scientific research at a Dutch university, and more than one million people have gained insight into their entrepreneurial mindset profile and growth opportunities.
Reviews from our customers
There are a number of tests for the startup founder and the enterprising owner, but they tend to miss their target. These Cosmopolitan Tests are more about testing the knowledge of doing business. The more important question any entrepreneur coach and their clientele should get from these tests is: Should You Be An Entrepreneur? Do you have the right mindset and passion? I have seen many tests, but E-Scan assessment is by far the most complete and reliable entrepreneurial assessment test that exists.
Peter de Bruyn – www.starterforum.be
Our introduction to the E-Scan had a great impact! Ten years later it still is the basis for our coaching of thousands of small and medium-sized business owners by now. Alongside with E-Scan entrepreneurial assessment, we discover more and more the impact of their valuable coaching software. Coupled with business coaching is thus the basis for a deeper development of entrepreneurs and growth of their businesses.
Gerard van Ingen – founder Ondernemen Plus
Standard personality tests versus E-Scan
Why is E-Scan entrepreneurial assessment different from the standard personality tests, like the Myer Briggs Type Indicator or Disc assessment? Despite the quality of these tests, they measure the general career personality or Briggs personality. These tests need additional translation and validation to be useful for assessing entrepreneurs.
E-Scan is different from the more traditional personality tests because it is much more a scan than a test. It is a scan of the entrepreneurial personality put into perspective of the company lifecycle and small business success. It combines psychometric analysis with microeconomic theory and practice. The E-Scan is ideally used in combination with a business plan.
With E-Scan and its additional add-ons and training e-courses, you can put things into perspective for the venture owner. Based on their plans for the future, you discuss with the coaching client how their entrepreneurial profile fits in with the challenges. What are the strengths, and what are the blind spots and pitfalls? That gives even more added value to the relationship with the coaching client.
Undertake this self-assessment test to discover your entrepreneurial traits: Start your E-Scan.
Small Business Coaching
The small business coach, consultant, entrepreneur coach, or entrepreneurship teacher uses the E-Scan to help their coachees with mindset development. The most challenging part is connecting the personality of the entrepreneur to what is going on in their business.
For this challenge, the E-Scan Confrontation Tool was developed. In this E-Course, the coachee learns how to connect different strengths and weaknesses as a firm owner to their company’s opportunities and threats. Together with their coach, they determine the right goals and concrete actions for success.
E-Scan is specifically developed for profiling small business owners and validated under large groups of (aspiring) entrepreneurs regarding their business lifecycle. Furthermore, the emphasis of E-Scan and its additional tools lies in the development of the firm owner and their future.
The entrepreneurial assessment takes – on average – about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It gives the small business coach direct insight into the profile of the customer as an entrepreneur. Including the 360 degrees feedback. It adds extra professional value to the relationship with the client. And, not unimportant, an average of 4 extra coaching sessions.
The E-Scan is a great entrepreneurial assessment tool for my own business coaching practice! It is the basis for all my business services; complete, reliable and practically applicable in the personal development of the entrepreneurial mindset of my clients. Value for money.
Theo Kropman – Agile Business Coach, profits4u
Start with the basics: E-Scan profile
The basic components of the E-Scan are the entrepreneurial questionnaire, the 360 degrees feedback, and the E-Platform.
There are three tests to choose from E-Scan, I-Scan, and Junior E-Scan for students.
Every E-Scan includes 360º Feedback for 3 people. Besides discussing the E-Scan results that shed a light on their own strong areas, it is also insightful to discuss the results of the 360 feedback and the differences between the scores of your client and the 360º Feedback.
There is an E-Scan for every target group. First, make a choice of which target group suits you best. Then start that scan by creating an account and following the instructions on the screen.
Use entrepreneurial assessment innovation
Discuss the future with the E-Scan Confrontation Tool
The E-Scan Confrontation Tool helps you to let your customers connect their entrepreneurial profile to their future challenges. Moreover, it does that by systematically confronting their strong and weak points intuitively to the opportunities and threats their business will face.
Discuss the firm performance with the Sales Power Analysis
Of course, an aspiring entrepreneur, as well as the traditional firm owner, needs to know a thing or two about digital marketing. Nevertheless, the owner still needs to possess sales skills. So, with E-Scan, it is possible to generate the Sales Power Analysis report on top of a scan. For instance, the Sales Power Analysis report shows you the strengths and weaknesses of your client’s thinking in the three-phased sales operations.
Let teams work with the E-Scan Team Analysis
Do you work with teams or several founders in a startup or company? With the E-Scan Team Analysis, you can discover and discuss how well they fit together. So, you get answers to questions like, should they continue to work with each other? Add another team member? You can generate the E-Scan Team Analysis with one push of the button. When you have discussed the results individually, it is time to discuss the results with the whole team.
Entrepreneur Coaching with E-Scan
The most return is achieved by discussing the E-Scan and coaching the entrepreneur based on their results. For this, we also offer multiple E-Courses for those who use the E-Scan for their coaching. So, with these E-Courses, including certification, you learn how to become a coach for successful entrepreneurs and how to work with E-Scan. Read more about the E-Courses here.
Here you see possible routes for your enterprising coaching with some of the activities and tools mentioned above. However, if you want to read more about competencies and growing an entrepreneurial mindset. Read the eBook The Golden Egg.
Teachers, who teach entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking to their students, can use the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework of EntreComp. Here is how to easily measure and develop entrepreneurial competencies. In addition, apply for the ready-to-use education plan on how to use the E-Scan to teach students.